Step 1 - BUY WARDS! You wouldn't want to get ganked and lose your lane which ultimately results in losing the game. Even if you are the jungler, it helps to ward! It prevents counter jungle and ambush while you are jungling.
Step 2 - Don't Blame, DON'T CAPSLOCK AND YELL AT PEOPLE, Don't ask people to report your teammates or anyone really, people don't like to be told what to do. Even if you are right, you don't have to spam the chats proving that you are right and making your teammates/opponents feel bad. You might even get reported back in the end for "Negative Attitude".
Step 3 - Always get POTIONS if you still have SPACE! You have no idea how many times that Red Potion saved my life from. Ignites, Requiem, Trueshot Barrage, Ace in the Hole, Children of the Grave, you name it! "Sometimes" it can save a Life!
However, most of the time Potions are for staying in lane longer. This will allow you to farm up your gold, get ample experience for Levels and dominate your Lane!
Step 4 - Learn to IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS, whether is Juking or Zoning, all is important! Understand what is Last hitting, CS, when to sacrifice yourself for the team and grab objectives (Dragons, Barons, Towers and Nexus) Sometimes it's better to let that last hit go if you might die in the process of getting it.
Step 5 - Be AWARE OF THE MAP!!! If you can see all your enemies on the map, then it is safe to push. However if all 5 is missing, you better watch out! That is the time to :-
a) Check Baron/Dragon
b) Stop Face-checking bushes
c) Stick together in case of ambush
d) Ward up the Map
e) Be prepared for a team fight
Step 6 - DEFEND that TOWER! Lets say after Baron, your teammates want to go back to buy items. DON'T GO BACK ALL AT ONCE (Unless all of you are low or all enemies are still dead) Your opponents (If they are smart) will spilt push and take outer towers and try to push the lane. Do not give free towers! If you can defend it, THEN DEFEND IT! Losing towers will make your Nexus more vulnerable and open for Backdooring.
Step 7 - Knowing who or when to SACRIFICE. If you are a Support, most of the time, you are better to die instead of the AD Carry. Most of the time, the importance of each role are :
AD Carry > AP Carry > Top > Jungler > Support
However things are not 100% the same so YOU have to make the best decisions.
For example, it is better for an Alistair to get Grabbed by a Blitzcrank than Vayne!
- If Vayne gets grabbed, your team loses A LOT OF DAMAGE OUTPUT
- If Alistair gets grabbed, he can just Pop his Unbreakable Will and cause havoc
- Even if anyone that gets grabbed will potentially be dead, it is better for the team
Step 7 - DON'T DIVE if you aren't going to make it out alive! It's never worth it to die for a kill, as both of you will be getting the same gold and experience.
*However sometimes it is worth it for example, SP sacrificing himself in order for the AD Carry to get double kill*
Not dying:-
= no money for opponent
= less items
= less power
= lesser chances of losing team fights
= higher chances of winning
Step 9 - Try to END THE GAME as soon as possible. For many of you, Late game is where your mistakes will cost your team the game. At 5 mins into the game, dying is not a big deal as your opponents are hardly even level 6 and cant even down a tower. But at 40 minutes mark, a single death can mean a WIN/LOSE and a rush for the Nexus!
Step 10 - Enjoy the game! When you try too hard, you make mistakes. You get nervous, angry, stress and etc. Try relaxing, drinking a cup of tea, because if you aren't used to coping with pressure like I do, you're gonna have a bad time =D.
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