Monday 26 November 2012

How to avoid Losing (In Champion Selection)

Step 0 - Check your internet connection before starting a game.

Step 1 - Avoid public holidays, school holidays and weekends. These are the times when 'kids' play LoL for fun.

Step 2 - Check if your teammates have good Ranked games background. People who are able to win Ranked games should have a good understanding of the game's basic like last-hitting, warding, secure Dragon/Baron etc.

Step 3 - Judge a book by it's cover. When you see someone on your team with a name like feeder999, Imanoob123, uMADbra etc, most of the time, they are baddies.

Step 4 - Make sure that everyone is there, no afks/random picks

Step 5 - Make sure that your team have atleast 1-2 hard crowd control. This is to counter champions with channelling spells like Fiddlesticks/Katarina.

Step 6 - If you are on 1st pick, Avoid roles with lesser CARRYING power. You need something like AP CARRY/AD CARRY to win games, unless you are 100% certain that the people below you are better than you. Theres a reason they are below you (Bad players)!

Step 7 - Get Champions with Damage and Utility. For example, Ahri (Charm & Good Ganker/Escape), Kassadin (Silence,Slow & Good Ganker/Escape), Orianna (Slow/Speed, Shield & Aoe Fling)

Step 8 - Avoid Champions who are Fragile and/or does not have any contribution to the TEAM other than raw Damage. *Unless your team is loaded with Crowd Controls and/or Very Tanky. In which your team needs a Pure Damage Dealer, then by all means, GET ONE!*

Examples of Fragile Carry Champions - Vayne, Ezreal, Lux, Nidalee, Twisted Fate and etc.

Example of Champions with no CCs - Corki, Ezreal, Fiora, Katarina, Master Yi, Mordekaiser, Nidalee and Sivir.

Step 9 - Expect to Carry noobs. Most of the time, you'll be on top of the Draft List. Which means you HAVE TO CARRY OUR TEAMMATES!

Step 10 - Maintain a Positive atmosphere and refrain from 'BLAMING', 'CAPSLOCKING', and 'TAUNTING'.

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